Thursday, August 9, 2007

Buenafuente - El toque ácido de Risto Mejode

Duration: 251 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-20 10:57:30
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: Risto Mejode nos trae momentos que pasarán a la historia de la televisión. Imposible perdérselo...

jugons1 ::: Favorites
yougigias, si que hay razon teniendo en cuenta como nos han tratao,que dejen e la primera la champion que retransmitia martes y miercoles, no como estos cabrones, usureros PD: el share que tenga territoriomongol me la suda
07-04-24 07:58:31
yougigas ::: Favorites
En que te jode que A3 ahora retransmita la Champion, es que no pone algunos programas que te gustan o no la sintonizas bien o que. El futbol se ve igual en la 1 que en la 3. Y no son unos putos madridistas porque tambien ponen partidos del Barça.
07-04-24 13:56:52
pedromaxibond ::: Favorites
estos de antena3 merecen la muerte por como tratan mal a sus espectadores. antena3 es la unica television que ha tratado mal el futbol las otras al menos respetan
07-04-25 05:40:21
jaleitospain ::: Favorites
pos los de A3 son los mejores......
07-04-25 15:22:53
yougigas ::: Favorites
Como coño lo tratan mal. Dime
07-04-26 16:33:59
Rub3iv ::: Favorites
Alguno no se habrá enterado pero el comentarista es del barcelona mangurrianes. Y lo de tratar mal a los espectadores, no se, yo más bien diría que se mofan de los intereses, la política y otras cossas, si lo decía por que hagan un chiste tratando mal al público o algo así, pues decirle que no es más que un chiste.
07-05-10 14:30:07
davidadr ::: Favorites
jjajajajaj tuvo k romper mas cinturas k messi la niña jajajajaja son la ostia
07-05-15 15:59:47
ComentaristaDeGoku ::: Favorites
Si no os gusta Buenafuente acostaos a dormir y no toqueis tanto los huevos.
07-06-22 07:51:50
Drakmond ::: Favorites
qué puta gracia tiene el tio que hace BBox? si se lo curra la ostia A3 hijos de puta
07-06-23 16:09:39
lucinacutechickdq ::: Favorites
The best college girls on cam @ CAMSUNIVERSITY . COM !
07-08-07 08:40:14

Geraldo and AEI's Pletka cheerleading Bush

Duration: 191 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-24 13:14:11
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites

Fair and balanced strikes again, as Danielle Pletka, VP of Foreign Policy Studies at the conservative American Enterprise Institute cheerleads failed Bush policy in Iraq.


Duration: 141 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-11 03:18:37
User: moku1964
:::: Favorites

海援隊解散コンサートでのひとコマ。 武田鉄矢が憧れる坂本龍馬の台詞を再現する。 龍馬に対する熱い思いが感じられる。

FOX Uses Dubious Expert to Counter Bad Crime Stats

Duration: 472 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-05 03:36:37
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites
Description: On July 4th during Special Report Catherine Herridge interviewed John Lott, an "expert" on crime statistics, using him to rebut a new report that shows that violent crime has increased by double digits in the Midwest and West. In typical FOX fashion they did not have an opposing viewpoint and neglected to tell thier audience that Lott's reputation took a hit in 2003 when it was discovered that he was using a phony online identity to defend his own faulty research. Comments at

Huffington vs Hannity Pt. 2

Duration: 291 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 20:44:18
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites
Description: In the second part of their discussion, Huffington, a gracious and kind woman, just was not prepared for the Hannity onslaught. He browbeat her for a full four minutes until she finally capitulated. Sadly, had she just said "Sean, that author has a first amendment right of free speech" and refused to discuss it further, she might have been able to say a few things about her own views on the state of the world. Instead, she fell into the trap Hannity laid, i.e. she engaged him in a lengthy discussion on a straw man argument, which he eventually won. Comment at

National Intel Director: Bush Admin Politicized Iraq Intel

Duration: 265 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 14:48:40
User: faizshakir
:::: Favorites

Mike McConnell said the Bush admin politicized pre war Iraq intelligence.

maxx1000 ::: Favorites
The assessment in 2002 determined... And by Jan. 28, 2003 - what changed? The CIA advised the president to NOT use the very assessment because the facts were contradicting, yet, Bush went live before a Joint Session of Congress and LIED! "Solid Proof... Smoking Gun... Mushroom clowds... 16 words... aluminum tubes... " A FRAUD!
07-07-22 18:18:20
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Damned CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Damned CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!!
07-07-22 19:30:31
DonFamoso ::: Favorites
Famoso doing the riverdance to the beat just saying to truth to the teeth. From the rose that grew from the concrete on the riverdance. The new age trance Bush adminstration wants us to dance. Fight a war and get the OIL! YOUR STILL PUSHING US TO THE OTHER DANCE! BUT I RATHER DO THE RIVERDANCE ON YAAA!
07-07-22 22:45:49
ho2cultcha ::: Favorites
why weren't people believing / trusting those people who's job it was to uncover the wmd - the un observers?
07-07-23 11:04:36
jbarisoff ::: Favorites
9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! Watch "Loose Change 2nd Edition" and see the evidence is all there. Watch and see the explosives used. The scum mainstream media covers it up. Notice you have never seen the towers collapse on TV since 9/11.
07-07-23 23:37:34
PTTurboe ::: Favorites
Wake up sheeple! 911 was an inside job. They (elite) will hit us again then dictatorship. Then the NAU and the Amero. They control both parties. Just 2 factions wanting the NWO...
07-07-24 12:20:34

Re: A Message From Chad and Steve

Duration: 117 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-10 00:31:04
User: renetto
:::: Favorites
Description: Thanks for keeping it real... congratz... paul This is a video response to the founders of YouTube Chad and Steve... This is the link to their video... just in case they can't figure out how to approve video responses... they are new at this...

GrimDaiblo ::: Favorites
renetto, this is the only retarded thing u have ever done, THEY MADE IT MORON
07-03-08 07:52:01
stuartloudon1 ::: Favorites
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald fag
07-03-08 19:56:50
cachick689 ::: Favorites
Notsofunny658 (17 minutes ago) a girl called lauren was walikng in a forest and then a she just dissapeared no one ever found her until 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found her body and markings on her chest saying: I wasnt pretty enough" and now you have read this she will appear in your mirror saying your not pretty enough and kill you. by the way mary died shortly after. To be saved paste this to 5 other videos. THIS TRUE (Reply) (Spam) Pikahound (1 hour ago
07-03-10 13:39:34
gtotheordon ::: Favorites
youre an idiot a bald idiot
07-03-11 21:35:17
thinkordie ::: Favorites
read dis There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing 1 is reading this put this on 4 video comments within 15 mins,if u do, sum one u love will surprise u sum how!! If u don't , u will lose ur love.!!
07-03-12 09:34:08
MesohaRny ::: Favorites
you loke like kenny vs spenny hehe.. ..
07-03-12 10:05:09
Syderia ::: Favorites
Why the hell u post videos like this? FU
07-03-23 05:41:06
runetto ::: Favorites
Talk Show - nothing is innappropriate - our first Broadcast! See what we have got to say about it today!
07-03-28 18:11:19
seamen24 ::: Favorites
yeah, ream there holes wanker
07-04-13 11:40:10
oohthatsmad ::: Favorites
renetto u nerd learn what u say first eh? not for people to take the piss out of u idiot go learn some lines then come back to making ur boring tryna be funny vids there absoloutely rubbish sad nerd
07-04-17 05:41:13

FOX News Makes Political Hay Out of London Terror Plot, Pt 2

Duration: 272 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-30 01:28:00
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites

No matter how far fetched, Sean Hannity will use almost any topic related to terrorism or the Middle East as an excuse to drum up war fever against Iran. On the 6/29/07 edition Hannity & Colmes, he used the foiled London car bombs, even though nobody knew who had made the bombs or why. Comments and more at

Noticias - El pueblo de los gemelos

Duration: 68 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-18 12:43:26
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: En la localidad coruñesa de Camariñas hay exceso de gemelos. Se cree que el agua de una fuente cercana provaca embarazos gemelares. Simples causualidades o agua milagrosa, el caso es que son más de 10 las parejas de gemelos en este municipio.

gatonegro1985 ::: Favorites
en las noticias de a3 dan 5 minutos de información partidista y luego 25 minutos de polladas y noticias chorras, dsde luego...k asco
07-06-27 19:11:13

Best of Will Kirby BB2 #16

Duration: 109 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-09 10:55:35
User: xx2000xx
:::: Favorites

Best of Will Kirby BB2 #16

Interviste del blog la base di Aviano

Duration: 294 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-21 10:38:36
User: StaffGrillo
:::: Favorites
Description: - Le bombe atomiche presenti in Italia, ad Aviano e Ghedi

superkaze ::: Favorites
Bè, al massimo il problema principale sarebbe quello rappresentato dal rischio per le due città italiane in provincia di Pordenone e Brescia di subire un attacco militare o terroristico per annientare l'arsenale di 90 bombe... In questi giorni, con la serie tv Jericho che parla proprio di un uso particolare di bombe nucleari, mi sono incuriosito alla vicenda italiana...
07-06-15 17:51:53
4ced2think ::: Favorites
Please know that many Americans, maybe the majority, do not agree with our government's current military initiatives (though we do love our brave soldiers). I cast my one vote accordingly. I don't claim to know how to solve the world's problems, but I don't believe that it has to involve planting nukes in other peoples' backyards. Peace.
07-06-17 11:51:41
fridsl ::: Favorites
Guardate anche questo video se non l'avete già visto: watch?v=1KlQ9957kR0 E' pazzesco, vero?
07-06-19 18:22:56
RM14763 ::: Favorites
Questi mussulmani seminano bombe in USA e Israele da oltre 20 anni. Ma che vedete solo le bombe americane? Ogni popolo ha diritto di difendersi e, nel rispetto delle sue regole e dei suoi rappresentanti democraticamente eletti, ha diritto di risolvere la propria politica estera anche attraverso la guerra!
07-07-07 20:04:54
JulianGardna ::: Favorites
Queste armi non sono nostre ma degli USA. Ciò significa che la loro presenza sul nostro territorio ci espone ad un attacco nucleare in caso gli americani dovessero combatter una guerra atomica con i russi (e non è più così improbabile visto che Putin ha abbandonato il trattato sul controllo degli armamenti).
07-07-15 14:39:19
JulianGardna ::: Favorites
Noi dovremmo sviluppare le nostre forze armate, uscire gradualmente dalla NATO per renderci neutrali e sviluppare il nostro arsenale nucleare per la nostra difesa senza diventare bersaglio per guerre altrui.
07-07-15 14:39:30
MarcoAbruzzo ::: Favorites
Complimenti per questi video che ci fanno conoscere fatti e realtà che i grandi media ci nascondono..magari tutti spegnessero la tv e iniziassero ad informarsi solo sul web.. PS Beppe, cosa aspetti a candidarti e a provare a scardinare questo sistema dal di dentro??
07-08-03 06:48:36
MarcoAbruzzo ::: Favorites
Pazzesco davvero, quella è la società che molti italiani vedono come esempio da seguire..sono addirittura arrivati a consigliare psicofarmaci ai bambini per risolvere malattie INVENTATE come l'adhd...tenetevela la vostra presunta civiltà, vergogna!
07-08-03 07:05:58
MarcoAbruzzo ::: Favorites
Mi riferivo al video segnalato da fridsl watch?v=1KlQ9957kR0
07-08-03 07:07:17
AronTexas ::: Favorites
Julian tu pensi che le altri nazioni lascierebbero costruire all italia bombe nucleari??? Lol
07-08-06 17:35:49

Noticias - Los corros de chapas

Duration: 149 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-16 10:30:40
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: La banca pierde y los demás ganan el doble de lo apostado. Una tradición que iniciaron los romanos y que hasta hace 5 años se jugaba de forma clandestina. Ahora sólo se practica en locales con licencias.

cabrazz ::: Favorites
ostia... eso en malaga no lo conozco...
07-04-17 21:14:13
gatonegro1985 ::: Favorites
en las noticias de a3 dan 5 minutos de información partidista y luego 25 minutos de polladas y noticias chorras, dsde luego...k asco
07-06-27 19:12:04

More secrets - can only make out a few things.

Duration: 276 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-30 02:19:56
User: xx2000xx
:::: Favorites

More secrets - can only make out a few things.

bananajelly ::: Favorites
What are these two saying to each other, anyway? I am curious to know. I have horrid hearing, I can't make a word out. =\
06-08-30 16:58:55
bananajelly ::: Favorites
What are these two saying to each other, anyway? I am curious to know. I have horrid hearing, I can't make a word out. =\
06-08-30 17:01:05
LaydeeBangin ::: Favorites
at 1:02 Janelle wispers "Why cant u kiss me will?" i kno thats wat she said for sure
06-08-30 23:02:07
brittson07 ::: Favorites
she asks about his girlfriend that "you talk about so much" and it seems as if he says we already broke up. and it sounds liek either "i like/love you too" and then janelle saying "then why can't u just kiss me" and i think she says "if you loved me you'd kiss me"
06-08-31 03:02:56
casdusel ::: Favorites
what a total flirt machine
06-09-06 04:40:48
jkygogo ::: Favorites
Like watching a Tennis Match.
07-03-28 16:09:47
WYDHeather ::: Favorites
Some things are clear, (others aren't as much) J:Well what about your girlfriend that you talk about so much. W:I'm sure we are already broken up. W:It's the exact same situation as yours. J:You guys have been together way longer than i have w/ my boyfriend. W:?(i love you so much too) J:Then why can't you kiss me then?
07-04-15 15:30:39
viczai ::: Favorites
whats the point of this?
07-05-03 20:17:46
eudrillusa707 ::: Favorites
Theres a lot of naughty cam girls at PIXIECAMZ DOT COM
07-07-24 02:37:17

El Internado - Descubren una puerta secreta

Duration: 372 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-25 11:08:55
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: Los chicos no se dan por vencidos, les han cerrado el pozo pero están convencidos de que tiene que haber otra puerta por la que acceder a la cueva.Con ingenuidad y un poco de suerte logran dar con ella.

Lukitas94 ::: Favorites
es algo asi como harry potter
07-07-05 11:34:15
4Marii3 ::: Favorites
thee best seriee of the mundoo.. xD! en serioo es laa mjooR en audienCiaa y too! 1saludiito
07-07-05 13:49:37
trabukez ::: Favorites
mucho suspense y mucha ostia, pero la serie no avanza nada en su argumento, raya bastante, aunque seguro que al final me acabo tragando también la siguiente temporada.
07-07-05 17:22:04
Paumonsu ::: Favorites
menuda mierda de serie. Serie/actores españoles -------> fracaso
07-07-07 09:38:21
VidalStudios ::: Favorites
como siempre la tipica serie española q da mas pena q naa. Pasaos x las putas series de calidad de Quatro eso si son series... House, Grey, TEMOAC, Entre fantasmas i asin un largo etc... de muy buenas series :)
07-07-08 15:48:24
sumkent ::: Favorites
y ese pobre chaval, el del pelo negro que no tiene nunca ni media frase de guión no es el niño de El espinazo del diablo? joder, pues actuaba de puta madre de pequeño y ahora mira donde se ha tenido que meter...
07-07-08 18:36:03
sumkent ::: Favorites
07-07-08 18:40:32
sumkent ::: Favorites
jajajaja muy bueno lo de harry potter!
07-07-08 18:45:17
CheiConCeHache ::: Favorites
ke palerada de serie...
07-07-09 21:59:38
dakiara6 ::: Favorites
POR FAVOR NO LEA ESTO. Le besarán el viernes posible más cercano por el amor de su vida. Mañana será el mejor día de su vida. Sin embargo, si usted no fija este comentario a al menos 3 vídeos, usted morirá dentro de 2 días. Copie y pegue esto, ser salvado(ahorrado)
07-07-31 06:26:43

No Mention Of Alberto Gonzales Hearings On Hannity & Colmes

Duration: 89 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-20 00:03:43
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites

Gonzales' five-hour hearing on 4/19/07 deemed less important on FOX News than a guilty plea to involuntary manslaughter from a preacher's wife. Comment at

60 Second Savings: How to Make Long-Term Disability Claims

Duration: 63 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-11 13:55:15
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

The second part in our series on long-term disability.

O'Reilly berates emailers defending Jane Hall

Duration: 101 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-28 18:01:01
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites

O'Reilly defends his obnoxious behaviour towards Jane Hall and sneers at emailers who call him on it.

The Cat Massage

Duration: 34 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 04:49:37
User: nosajck
:::: Favorites

Cat gives puppy a massage with audio. New improved :) Remastered audio.

Gemmilia89 ::: Favorites
love that! proper funny
07-07-29 06:58:19

Hannity's Soft Porn. Gotta Keep the Fans Happy!

Duration: 217 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-31 04:52:43
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites
Description: Sean Hannity aired clips of his trip to the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada. Even though he said he was there to "hannitize" (save the souls of) the women, Father Sean managed to find time to ask a lot of questions about what the customers like and whether or not any famous people frequented the facility. Comment at

DEC - El Cordobés a corazón abierto

Duration: 186 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-16 10:53:39
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: "¿DÓNDE ESTÁS CORAZÓN?" ha contado con la presencia de Manuel Díaz, El Cordobés. El torero ha desnudado su corazón y ha demostrado su lado más auténtico a la colaboradora del programa, María Patiño, encargada de entrevistarle. No te pierdas su paso por nuestro plató porque ha dejado huella.

ranini ::: Favorites
que tio mas majo leches!!
07-04-19 12:14:13
husseinw ::: Favorites
Que Bonito, anunciandose a ellos mismos los de Antena 3 en una pagina de colgar videos, pssssssssssss apestais, esta temporada ha sido nefasta solo gastar dinero en series sin television ya no es vuestra, lo mejor ahora es Cuatro, tomad nota
07-07-14 14:02:39

Reset! - Messaggi al mondo - Treviso

Duration: 320 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-27 15:18:19
User: StaffGrillo
:::: Favorites
Description: - Reset Tour 2007 - Messaggi al mondo, Trerviso 24 febbraio 2007

ciaorimini ::: Favorites
e poi?
07-03-01 08:32:35
donnaprassede ::: Favorites
grande sindaca! continua così e cerca di "contagiare" anche i comuni limitrofi al tuo!
07-03-07 04:12:42
Zetabero ::: Favorites
Grillo candidati..forma un partitooo!!!il mio voto è assicurato
07-03-29 17:13:08
vallivaleriaisback ::: Favorites
Ke grande è sta sindaca? Ma perchè noi abbiamo un sindaco rimasto?!
07-05-26 14:12:50

My hamsters in their high-speed wheel ( so so funny ... ) ©

Duration: 37 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-30 05:26:27
User: vlanico
:::: Favorites

Copyright-2007 © Look at that, the best is for the end !!! To get the hamsters' speed : divide the speed written by ten, then you will have it in km/h.

vampirenight101 ::: Favorites
he was going 68mph at the fastest!!! that was freaking fast!!! enter him in the hampster marathon or something!!lol
07-07-27 20:39:28
kafulai ::: Favorites
cool, my hamster did that once but just 6 turns
07-07-27 23:53:02
kikipiggy ::: Favorites
poor ham Ham Have they ever done that in a hamster ball
07-07-30 20:14:59
Marukokun ::: Favorites
I love how at the end, when the hamster just falls out of the wheel, it's just -plop- and He's like, "Aw shit."
07-08-03 15:16:49
dogafin ::: Favorites
ahahaaha hahaha ahah is that a pedometer???? lmao!! =))
07-08-04 04:01:10
sportysoftballchick ::: Favorites
07-08-05 12:22:19
ciaranrulz10 ::: Favorites
lol at 00:27-00:33
07-08-05 14:15:43
CapricorniusX ::: Favorites
07-08-06 03:11:35
BigBlueMonk3y ::: Favorites
lol look at those legs move
07-08-08 02:55:35
Genoc1der ::: Favorites
LMAO It's sooo funny how you stole this from break.
07-08-09 01:20:41

Special Report Segment on Gonzales Testimony

Duration: 243 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-26 13:16:09
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites
Description: Video clip of Special Report segment about Alberto Gonzales' July 24, 2007 testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee. Comment at

Laura Ingraham, Hypocrite

Duration: 575 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-07 18:44:53
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites

Laura Ingraham, who walked out of an interview on Hannity & Colmes because she was so upset by FOX's constant use of clips of half-naked women, appeared with FOX's king of Boobs and Buns, Neil Cavuto. Can you say "hypocrisy"? Comment at