Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Duration: 08:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-14 11:07:05
User: Areosa70
:::: Favorites

¿Qué din os rumorosos na costa verdecente ao raio transparente do prácido luar? ¿Qué din as altas copas de escuro arume arpado co seu ben compasado monótono fungar? Do teu verdor cinguido e de benignos astros confín dos verdes castros e valeroso chan, non des a esquecemento da inxuria o rudo encono; desperta do teu sono fogar de Breogán. Os bos e xenerosos a nosa voz entenden e con arroubo atenden o noso ronco son, mais sóo os iñorantes e féridos e duros, imbéciles e escuros non nos entenden, non. Os tempos son chegados dos bardos das edades que as vosas vaguedades cumprido fin terán; pois, donde quer, xigante a nosa voz pregoa a redenzón da boa nazón de Breogán. Teus fillos vagorosos en que honor soo late, a intrépido combate dispondo o peito van; se, por ti mesma, libre de indigna servidume e de oprobioso alcume, rexión de Breogán Á nobre Lusitania os brazos tende amigos, ós eidos ben antigos con un punxente afán; e cumpre as vaguedades dos teus soantes pinos duns máxicos destinos, ¡oh, grei de Breogán! Amor da terra verde, da verde terra nosa, acende a raza briosa de Ousinde e de Froxán; que aló nos seus garridos xustillos, mal constreitos, os doces e albos peitos das fillas de Breogán; que á nobre prole insinen fortísimos acentos, non mólidos concentos que ás virxes só ben están; mais os robustos ecos que, ¡oh, patria!, ben recordas das sonorosas cordas das arpas de Breogán. Estima non se alcanza cun vil xemido brando; calquer requer rogando con voz que esquecerán; mais cun rumor xigante, subrime e parecido ao intrépido sonido das armas de Breogán. Galegos, sede fortes, prontos a grandes feitos; aparellade os peitos a glorioso afán; fillos dos nobres celtas, fortes e peregrinos, luitade plos destinos dos eidos de Breogán

ejemplitos ::: Favorites
Si ho si, e Francia tamén debía ser española, e Myanmar xa postos, que total, todos teñen a mesma cultura e "una historia muy unida". Tu aferraste ó teu idioma para diferenciarte dos suecos, porque é realmente a túa diferencia verdadeira... (como si as tradicións, historia, idiosincrasia, cultura, paisaxe, poboamento do territorio... non fosen diferencia, agora todos falamos en castellano castizo, imos ós toros, vivimos en vilas grandes sendo o campo un deserto...), non existe.
07-09-01 20:31:53
galizc2007 ::: Favorites
Galiza ceive!
07-09-01 12:14:55
Antonilisboa ::: Favorites
Galiza livre! Não tenham medo dos castelhanos falem galego e galaico português e caguem nas proibições estamos em 2007 se não gostarem que vão levar no cú!
07-08-25 15:12:23
avecesmepregunto ::: Favorites
Y dale con q galicia deberia ser portuguesa... Portugal debia ser española. Toda la peninsula iberica tiene la misma cultura y una historia muy unida. Los nacionalistas os aferrais y os cerrais en vuestro idioma cooficial por q realmente es la unica diferencia verdadera. Ahora voy a inventarme un idioma y voy a declarar independendiente mi puta casa por q hablo con otro acento ¬¬ saludos y ARRIBA ESPAÑA
07-08-24 11:26:12
fede210187 ::: Favorites
Muy buen himno sinceramente hablando, jamas sabia que Galiza era una comunidad autonoma pero ahora que lo veo me siento orgulloso de ser descendientes de galegos. Un saludo desde Argentina. Lastinma no poder entender bien el idioma.
07-08-23 19:18:18
marcelocastelliano ::: Favorites
Galiza libre! Iso pédese! Galegos luitade pola nosa patria libre!
07-08-20 11:34:17
Ursogal ::: Favorites
Tudo bem! :)
07-08-18 19:01:50
xGoticaDollx ::: Favorites
de verdade pelexades x parvadas ...Viva Galiciaaaa!!!! terra unica...terra meiga
07-08-14 09:45:53
Trinity2345 ::: Favorites
Galiza devias ser portuguesa, és uma terra fruto de um grande erro historico e social. Portugal deve a Galiza a sua lingua e a sua originalidade. Vos Galegos nom bailam sevilhanas, vós galegos não falam castelhano,vos galegos nom matam toiros, vos galegos nom sois contineitais non sois Madrilenos vois sois Galaicos-portugueses e deviamos ser um. Nom deixem Espanha matar a vossa cultura porque daqui a 100 anos niguem fala Galaico-portugues em terras Gelegas
07-08-13 16:47:47
ejemplitos ::: Favorites
Que cada un se divirta a súa maneira ho, tanto os chenchos independentistas como os alicates españolistas, que ansia por crear polémica...
07-08-12 19:09:53

Radio DJ Reservation

Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-27 11:49:41
User: Blacklock22
:::: Favorites

I finally make a new call at 2AM to an 800 number for a hotel chain pretending to be an on the air radio DJ. This woman acts as if I'm not even acting like a DJ, it's amazing. The full video of this was almost a HALF HOUR! I had to cut it to 10 minutes because youtube doesn't let you upload anything longer. I can't believe I had this woman on the phone for a half hour though. Enjoy...

BoostdVdub ::: Favorites
Hilarious. Glad to see you started making calls again.
07-09-04 00:50:38
tubofbologna ::: Favorites
did you get the message about my request for a prank call with an old man who lost his dentures?
07-08-27 21:29:04
Blacklock22 ::: Favorites
She was really on for a half hour.
07-08-27 19:04:03
tubofbologna ::: Favorites
07-08-27 10:07:01
babyshrimp007 ::: Favorites
umm conte319... what's your friend's last name? My name is Julia too.
07-08-19 12:57:28
babyshrimp007 ::: Favorites
07-08-19 12:33:15
kingdingalingvj ::: Favorites
lmfao nice 1 =)
07-08-15 19:47:55
Conte319 ::: Favorites
"Are you fucking kidding me?" My friend Julia is touching herself to you right now.
07-08-15 00:00:21
emoislikecool ::: Favorites
you changed. I dunno what you did, cut your hair shorter? your eyes are like, sparkling I'd fuck you more than I already want to fuck you
07-08-12 05:51:18
vttheatre78 ::: Favorites
Love your videos. I want more, you are too funny!!!
07-08-12 01:47:15

Zlin Z 50 crash air show

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-02 05:51:27
User: Strnghld
:::: Favorites

Zlin Z 50L from polish aerobatic team "Żelazny". Goraszka 2006 Air Show.

Los Principes y la Infanta Leonor en Mallorca

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 16:22:59
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

Los Principes y la Infanta Leonor en Mallorca

tiendowling6838 ::: Favorites
Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls!
07-09-03 01:38:33


Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-23 17:22:09
User: Mackownik
:::: Favorites


La cara B de Franco (7/10)

Duration: 06:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-13 14:35:51
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

La cara B de Franco(Telecinco)

granblasfemo ::: Favorites
Triste, qué asco...
07-08-18 15:55:02

Calvin Harris in Inverness

Duration: 02:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-11 18:38:53
User: icreateddisco
:::: Favorites

We were in Inverness you know! This is what happened.

hamadiv797 ::: Favorites
Try <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> for amazing camgirls
07-08-29 15:09:33
ami82v605 ::: Favorites
Hot clip. Try <B> SUNNYFAIRY DOT COM </B> for wild webcam girls
07-08-22 16:44:37
gokillchavsplznthnx ::: Favorites
sean's face at 1.07 is actually priceless [:
07-08-15 09:15:53
killbillf210 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for sex related stuff. I like the website _CAMAHOLIC.NET_
07-08-10 12:06:52
custardtart ::: Favorites
what happened on with the mess?? liek the bighead dance. x
07-07-20 21:32:20
Jcrams ::: Favorites
i did NOT know they were here!! i would have gone! :(
07-07-14 10:58:19
xxxBooshBabexxx ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHAHA are those leaflets he knocked over?
07-05-11 13:25:45
camelman55 ::: Favorites
Damn yeah i went to see them at nottingham saturday 17th
07-05-05 11:51:14
BadgerofBognor ::: Favorites
ight calv add ma msn dude lol jrbadboy@hotmail,co,uk
07-05-01 16:47:30
smudgey123 ::: Favorites
he is amazing and he supports my favourite singer (faithless)
07-04-05 04:18:54

La cara B de Franco (1/10)

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 13:10:07
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

La cara B de Franco(Telecinco)

Seville : Antonio Puerta

Duration: 00:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 17:28:20
User: Strnghld
:::: Favorites

R.I.P - Antonio Puerta :( Seville defender Puerta in serious condition after heart attack Seville defender Puerta in serious condition

nala525 ::: Favorites
R.I.P. from Czech republic
07-09-02 15:06:34
bobiras11 ::: Favorites
R.I.P from Greece and Olympiacos fans
07-08-30 05:01:49

100m Men's World Records. 9.77 sec - Asafa Powell.

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 21:30:20
User: Strnghld
:::: Favorites

Track and Field Video. 100m Men's World Records. 9.77 sec - Asafa Powell. June 14, 2005. Athens.

happybracket ::: Favorites
Nutrilite baby! Double X!!
07-09-01 14:43:02

Lewis Hamilton F1 (www.hamiltonf1site.com)

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 11:21:31
User: w4rr02
:::: Favorites

Lewis hamilton best moments in the Formula 1 whit mclaren mercedes team

veotube ::: Favorites
Hamilton is the best, great video from hamiltonf1site
07-08-25 18:07:43
alvaroco ::: Favorites
join CristianoR7 . Com and enjoy with cristiano ronaldo Great Hamilton
07-08-24 15:12:12
kitty2katty ::: Favorites
I love you Lewis - best thing to happen to British sport in years. He's gorgeous too.
07-08-23 07:02:11
titanelftroll ::: Favorites
i love him , he's the best, mclaren mercedes forever
07-08-22 14:04:18
lolito69 ::: Favorites
07-08-22 13:13:07
alvaroco ::: Favorites
I like this Video, grat job
07-08-22 12:29:59

Informe Semanal-Saqueo bajo el mar.(2)

Duration: 06:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 16:37:02
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

Informe Semanal (TVE)

Fishing 10th January 2007 Loch Lannsaidh Dornoch

Duration: 00:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-12 17:33:33
User: mac7172
:::: Favorites

Fishing 10th January 2007. A day out fishing on the 10th January 2007 good weather with the barbeque (venison burger & black pudding) Dam Good..

Muse concert 2006 Baby

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-24 19:54:19
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

Sexy music

DragonFurnace ::: Favorites
Wow, they're really good. cool vid, very opportunistic.
07-08-12 00:03:00
ArkHeat ::: Favorites
I LOVE IT!!!! -Ark Heat
07-05-07 09:53:11
flyersfreek13 ::: Favorites
i was supposed to see them last friday in reading, PA, but then the tour bus got food poisoning. Needless to say, i was a little disappointed.
07-05-05 23:47:59
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
THey are amazing live. I love them to death. try your hardest to do
07-04-18 14:01:30
Arnidas ::: Favorites
your soo lucky to have been to an Muse concert.....:( i hope when i move to holland i will get chance to see them too
07-04-18 13:12:18

Women can't park...

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-30 16:42:34
User: mattqatsi
:::: Favorites

...or drive... Telepopmusik - Breathe

sheilaswheelsunite ::: Favorites
What about Sheila's Wheels? Women make the safest drivers....
07-08-23 09:45:46
wiebkesbounty ::: Favorites
why doesn't anybody help her ??! where are the good guys??
07-08-21 11:50:29
Gaffinator001 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA! And she keeps fucking trying!!!
07-08-18 05:17:33
metalsimona ::: Favorites
07-08-10 06:07:26
andrewwwcomv8 ::: Favorites
07-08-08 21:33:13
ww1313 ::: Favorites
borat says: women have a smaller brain
07-08-08 18:23:51
catlinhotcuteyqv ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-08 12:26:09
rmk4511 ::: Favorites
wow u suck at that! ur stupid car wont even fit!!
07-08-08 00:03:26
mutwa ::: Favorites
Hate these idiots...Just smashes and scratches the crap out of those cars and leaves. How do these people get licenses...
07-08-07 06:48:19
dumbgod97 ::: Favorites
stupid women!!! cant she see that her car is TOO BIG FOR THAT SMALL SPACE and cant she park somewhere eles instead?
07-08-07 04:19:47

Olacak o Kadar Levent Kirca - Sarhoş

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 17:54:23
User: Strnghld
:::: Favorites

Levent Kirca Sarhoş Olacak o kadar televizyonundan

My inspiration for you

Duration: 06:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-01 00:56:22
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

This video took me 4 hours to do. I had to find old pics I took and old video clips on my computer. Then I had to find quotes and pictures that went with my theme. I hope you enjoy it. It was made for you :D Music: City and Colour-Comin Home P.S: I am SO sorry the font is small on some takes. Or if the picture is fuzzy. AND sorry for thr double quoting at the end. teehee my mistake Its youtube im tellin you!

jake123e750 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try SUNNYFAIRY DOT COM for naked webcam girls -jake123e750
07-08-26 20:49:09
pokernuts ::: Favorites
WOW, what a great video and the song OMG!!! I think I saw Jonathan Livingstone Seagull at 3:52! Many thanks Liz from a recent subscriber. Dale in Australia.
07-08-26 12:14:41
Manwithnoshirt ::: Favorites
Very good video, if a little depressing. A good question at the start, "what does it mean to truly live" I Believe that as long as you feel fulfilled with what you have achived then you have lived. Some people live a long time and do nothing in their lives, some live their lives to the full but die young. If I could I would travel Permanently if I could. Was that The Scream by Edvard munch at 3:07. Nice photo at 3:17, local beach?
07-07-10 20:23:14
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
Dallas Green he is in City and Colour
07-06-04 10:14:53
hippoman888 ::: Favorites
who is the artist of this song?
07-06-03 22:50:55
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
Lee, be strong over there, or whereevr you are. Keep on Keepin on. Never look down. Thanks alot for your kind words :D and keeo in touch Liz
07-05-13 10:44:17
soundslikeanEwok ::: Favorites
wow you really inspired me...even though im at the marines right now its really hard for me...got troubles in family, university and ... watever! thanks to your video! ur a cute girl and its amazing how much energy u do have, that happiness and that positive energy just keeps me a smile! u make me look forward and never give up! thank you! lee
07-05-12 17:00:12
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
ew watch again.. and i know the text sucked lol i am not used to using it in my videos and i didnt time the text right but im glad you liked
07-05-12 09:51:40
Kosh800 ::: Favorites
Well done except for the slight text issues. ;) I would have enjoyed the ending better if it weren't for the damn spider that crawled on my arm while I was watching ...
07-05-12 04:46:52
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
I am glad you liked this. I really wanted to be able to reach out to people. Anyone really, who needs a smile.
07-05-10 08:57:41

Free Concert

Duration: 08:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-18 13:58:37
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

This is a really silly but serious video. You wil love it xxx LIZ Music: Breathe(2am)- Anna Nalick http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=3979782

oppalab883 ::: Favorites
This video is awesome but youtube will delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B> -oppalab883
07-09-03 10:29:07
chewylyrics ::: Favorites
what's your myspace btw?
07-08-28 15:22:11
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
Aw thank you so much that is really sweet of you. I appreciate that
07-08-26 10:09:40
Brity1991 ::: Favorites
holy i love your vocie darling its soooooo gooood<3 Much love -brittany
07-08-20 04:59:26
pompint ::: Favorites
everything is excellent, but add something else, for example, your friends, hobbies (sorry for my spelling mistakes, remember you, i'm chilean )
07-06-28 23:44:07
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
that is so sweet of you thanks alot. glad you enjoyed!
07-06-09 10:13:54
MercurialIris ::: Favorites
Wow, you're extremely attractive. As to not sound like every other poster that has said you're attractive so far, I'll make myself different by saying that I love you. And your voice rocks, by the way.
07-06-09 02:50:34
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
thank you
07-06-04 10:07:07
SunnyboyEVOLUTION ::: Favorites
u r cute
07-06-03 15:00:56
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
lol no doubt thanks for watching
07-05-16 20:46:10

Multifreaks PREDATOR

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-14 08:55:12
User: moitallica
:::: Favorites

Video de la peli predator de arnold schwarzenegger.

javiparkour69 ::: Favorites
asi que has llegado...baguamuhamua xD jjajaja que weno el video me estuve como 3 min partiendome el culo xD
07-08-24 16:51:33
Golfinnder ::: Favorites
xDDD muy lol
07-08-14 06:17:52
hipertrofio ::: Favorites
vaya chorrada pero que grandiosa, me parto entero!!!
07-05-24 17:29:48
3uSKALPunK ::: Favorites
Anybody knows what say?
07-05-05 04:18:32
3uSKALPunK ::: Favorites
Oh! it´s la p u t a mofa
07-04-21 14:21:26
nathansunny ::: Favorites
07-03-19 11:47:52
XV84 ::: Favorites
vaya mongolo!! jajajaja+
07-03-12 18:59:25
swatdan ::: Favorites
breve pero intenso jaajjajajajaja
07-03-01 09:33:03
CaptainCangaroo ::: Favorites
HAHA great!
07-02-02 05:41:18
kalkvesavas ::: Favorites
06-08-26 14:50:09

The "Jessica Biel" Playing on the Beach Video.

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-24 05:19:44
User: Strnghld
:::: Favorites

This video does not contain: xxx tits babes boobs ass hot sex tape hot secks Angelina Jolie Jessica Alba Christina Aguilera Scarlett Johansson Lindsay Lohan Hilary Duff FHM Maxim Paris Hilton(thank god) Jennifer Aniston legs cleavage WWE WWF WCW ECW TNA Stacey Keibler Trish Stratus Divas Torrie Wilson Tara Reid (again, thank god) hj bj fj sluts whores prostitutes common street trash pussy snapper anime (thank GOD) lame anime music video or AMV MTV (what a relief) lame pop music r&b crap rap crap emo crap stupid clothing Natalie Portman pink hair Rachel Weisz Eva Green areola bush slip Sharon Stone Elizabeth Shannon Katie Holmes (hey, she's not hot anymore anyway) Kate Winslet Reese Witherspoon Denise Richards Neve Campbell Milla Jovovich Heather Graham Uma Thurman Diane Lane Jessica Simpson or her sweet ass Charlize Theron Jenna Haze Briana Banks Pamela Anderson Jenna Jameson vH1 reality tv survivor apprentice big brother american idol (whew, thank god) juggies chicks girls girls girls britney spears or her scarred vagina elisha cuthbert drew barrymore elizabeth hurley jessica biel jennifer love hewitt jennifer lopez or her fat ass julia roberts keeley hazell keira knightley lauren holly victoria's secret bikini thong panties bra lingere eva longoria show episode sexy hot videos bikini hilary duff haley duff bikini 50 cent afi airline tickets akon al4a amazon amazon.com angelina jolie anime aol.com asian ask ask jeeves ask.com babes baby names barnes and noble bcs bed bath and beyond best buy beyonce bikini booty breaking news breast breasts briana banks britany spears britney britney crotch britney no panties britney paris britney spears britney spears crotch britney spears exposed britney spears flash britney spears flashing britney spears no panties britney spears panties britney spears photo britney spears photos britney spears pics britney spears pictures britney spears underwear brittany spears brooke burke candice michelle carmen electra carol of the bells carrie underwood cars cartoons catholic churches cats celebrity sedu hairstyles cheat codes cheerleader chris brown christina aguilera christmas christmas lights christmas music christmas songs christmas tree christmas wallpaper ciara circuit city city maps cleavage costco craigs list craigslist dane cook dictionary disturbed dog dogpile dogs dogs for sale driving directions ebay ebay.com ebony eminem eminem superman emma watson emoticons for msn eragon espn eva green eva longoria evanescence fall out boy family guy fergalicious fergie first name meanings flight simulator free games free music downloads free online games free search funny funny videos game cheats for ps2 games games play gift baskets gift ideas girl girls google google earth google.com gospel music lyrics green day gwen stefani hannah montana harry potter hi high school musical hilary duff hinder home hot drunk ass driving free climbing climb world record best amazinh frau schwester mutter mom sister woman women thong depot home video hot hotmail hotmail.com how to save a life ipod ipod nano irreplaceable janet jackson jenna jenna jameson jennifer aniston jennifer aniston sedu hairstyles jennifer lopez jennifer lopez sedu hairstyles jenny mccarthy jessica alba jessica simpson jewelry jim jones jingle bell rock jojo jokes jordan capri justin timberlake kate beckinsale katie price kelly blue book kids kmart korn laptops lil wayne limewire lindsay lohan lingerie linkin park lips of an angel love lowes ls magazine ludacris lyrics lyrics music mad world manga map quest mapquest maps mariah carey mature meaning of names metallica models movies mp3 players msn msn.com music music lyrics my chemical romance my space myspace myspace layouts myspace login myspace.com naruto nfl jerseys nickelback nintendo wii nudism nudist nudists obituaries one night in paris online games overstock.com pam anderson pamela anderson panic at the disco panties pantyhose paris hilton pc game cheats people search pink play game play games play the game lyrics playstaion2 cheats playstation game cheats playstation2 game cheats poetry pokemon pornotube ps 2 game cheats ps2 cheats codes psp pthc radio stations raven riley rihanna ringtones road map runescape salaries sams club santa search engine search engines sears sedu beauty tips sedu hair styles shakira shannon elizabeth slipknot smack that snow solia hair styling song lyrics south park southwest airlines spears staples stocking stuffers system of a down tara reid target target.com tenacious d tera patrick terrier test text messages the game thong thongs three days grace tony hawk topless torrie wilson toys r us trish stratus triviabucks vida guerra walk it out walmart walmart.com we fly high we live together weather webkinz wedding speech weird al weird al yankovic white and nerdy white pages wicked weasel wii wikipedia wind it up women wwe

janelleishottt ::: Favorites
i got so dang horny after watching this...did anyone else. if it hasnt been long after you read my post i should be online still so meet me here casual-flings dot com im under jilljames
07-08-30 17:28:23
7324971 ::: Favorites
cant a bitch just play sum sand tennis anymore?
07-08-25 00:07:22
hdpt20 ::: Favorites
07-08-24 20:09:34
BravesFan84 ::: Favorites
07-08-24 18:24:34

palermo roma 1-2 2006-07 totti gol

Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-06 13:53:35
User: aliceasr
:::: Favorites

Il gol di Totti

South Korea Next Generation Main Battle Tank XK2 흑표

Duration: 04:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-02 07:40:37
User: parkjh77
:::: Favorites

XK-2 Aka Black Panther General characteristics Crew : 3 (commander, gunner, driver) Length : 10 m (7.5m chassis) Width : 3.6 m Height : 2.5 m Weight : 55 tons Armour and armament Armour : Layers consisting of soft- and hard- kill anti-missile defense, ERA, NERA, modular & new unknown type of composite Main armament : 120 mm Rheinmetall L55 license-produced by WIA (1 round ready to fire in the chamber, 16 rounds inside autoloader magazine with additional 23 rounds in the chassis) Secondary armament : 1× .50 (12.7 mm) K-6 heavy machine gun machine gun (3,200 rounds) 7.62 mm coaxial machine guns (12,000 rounds) Mobility Power plant : 4-cycle, 12-cylinder water-cooled diesel produced by STX Engine (similar to MTU MT883 Diesel Engine) 1,500 hp Suspension : In-arm Suspension Unit Road speed : 70 km/h (acceleration of 0-32 km/h within 7 seconds) Power/weight : 27.2 hp/tonne Range : N/A Information by http://www.answers.com/topic/xk2

koldaussie ::: Favorites
Actually, it looks like the Russian Black Eagle. Damn, nice hydraulic moves. S Korea may have a good export in this tank.
07-09-03 15:00:16
kz2et ::: Favorites
Have you ever seen a mountain Stupid? Have you ever been a real battlefield? this is not a hovertank you playing in your silly games.You cant move this tank on sharp-edged rocks and deep cliffs. dont speak if you dont know so people think you clever.
07-09-03 13:40:22
zagepain ::: Favorites
That tank is developed for mountain combat... you really stupid -0-a
07-09-03 10:47:58
zagepain ::: Favorites
Are you japs?
07-09-03 10:46:11
NTSTSAHAL ::: Favorites
It's a copy of the french Leclerc....
07-09-01 21:09:28
UStanker3dACR ::: Favorites
The Hull looks like its based off an abrams, but modified. That Hydraulic system in the Hull looks pretty badass though, some kickass deflay moves with that mofo. Is that a f***in electronic misguidance system from 3:44 to 3:58? Good stuff, looks like a pretty decent tank, but I just dont like auto loaders.
07-08-30 19:55:58
kz2et ::: Favorites
Tanks are good but they are useless in Mountain combat.And its hard to do asmetric war without tank or any other land support.Its just like hell.
07-08-30 15:51:07
brianryu1223 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 16:23:51
BongKaiGero ::: Favorites
the only fucking bad thing is that north korea can set off thier nukes anytime they want and south korea is gona becuase kim jong got some big ass nukes and south korea is a small place.......lets just hpe that kim gets killed by a ninja b4 all that happens...LONG LIVE SOUTH KOREA!!!!!!!
07-08-29 15:44:26
joonpark89 ::: Favorites
surely one of teh best tanks i've ever seen. just need a lot more firepower.
07-08-29 01:22:34